We've been building brand story into commercial narrative for decades. Here are a few of our favorites because they include good friends, good clients, and even family.
Case Study: Leadership
Client: Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery
In the rockies, lots of brands try to tie their products or services to the rugged outdoors, but it's a difficult position to own. The same can be said for authenticity and leadership. But the founder of Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery walks the walk. We simply told his story, and in contrast to the deep masculine voices that personify other whiskey brands, we leaned on one of our favorite voice talents, the lovely Miss Casey, an alpine shredder in her own right. For all his accomplishments, PT Wood is too humble to sing his own song, so using a third-party narrator was the right choice.
In the western U.S spirits market, owning "adventure" is gold, and when your founder has a history of protecting water that goes into they whiskey he distills, the story tells itself, from there, it's just about style, and that's how the west was won. See film below.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Orientation
Client: Monarch Mountain Owner's Group
In contrast to the wide net we cast in THE RART OF TERRAIN, we were simultaneously hired to create a best-in-class orientation video for their cat skiing operation. Monarch Cat Skiing accesses some of the highest cat skiing terrain in the world. Only advanced/expert skiers and riders are allowed, and each participant must watch this film at the start of the day.
The challenge was to create a film that encouraged a sense of confidence in the professionalism of the operation while also getting people to pay attention to the details, because their lives literally depend on the information in the video. The script, voice talent and music targets people who are inherently risk-averse, excited, invariably on caffeine or often stoned. They've likely just driven some distance and are now at 11,000ft
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: People
Client: MIMG (Monarch Owner's Group)
We were hired to help coach the resort's marketing department about how to create assets that communicate amenities while simultaneously delivering on the latent desires of their "anti-large resort" target demographic.
By letting the viewer into the process of building a beginner terrain park, we got first-hand insight into the values of the people behind the scenes. Throughout this 4-minute film we see clips of people smiling and working together; A cat driver, a ski patroller and office staff demonstrate competency to offset any hint of being a second-rate Colorado ski area, helping to mitigate a brand liability. Monarch needed to look like Vail, but walk like the "hometown mountain" it is. Carving out this position without appearing podunk is an ongoing challenge for Monarch. Our goal was to show that Monarch knows exactly who it is, and who they serve.
Because Monarch targets families, the music and general tonality had to reach rebellious 15 year-old boys, as well as their Mom's, so we focused on friendly, accessible employees with rural backgrounds who were clear and concise about who they were and what Monarch represents to them—But who also rip in the park.
See film below.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: New Platform Intro
Client: Yoee Baby
As a design-thinking exercise, we interviewed Pediatric Neuroscientists, educators, caregivers and parents to develop the first toy designed for playing with a baby in the earliest days and weeks. This is a period when the most neural connections are being made, and a vital time for caregiver interaction. We ended up creating a global supply chain and distributing the product across three continents in numerous countries. We won several early childhood, toy and autism awards.
The challenge was to create a tool disguised as a toy, then communicate the value of the product to people who are generally unaware they can play so quickly in a child's life. We created a secondary production company that made films only to service the product. We ended up making hundreds of films for online social and digital advertising.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Social-Emotional Learning
Client: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Hope Street Foundation
Our team was hired to interview national thought leaders in the early childhood space to summarize the importance of social-emotional learning—At the time, a less appreciated teaching framework in the 0-3 movement. The film was used by organizations across the country to communicate the importance of SEL (The film below was used in South Carolina on a statewide public education tour).
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Tim Brown
Client: Tin Type Studio
Tim Brown is one of the top tin-type portrait photographers in the world. This film captures the laborious and magical process of this 19th-century art form. The film is slow by design, and shows Tim in his studio.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Legend
Client: Elinchrom
Tom Bol is a Nikon Ambassador and one of the top adventure photographers in the world. When we learned that he'd also been a world-class vert skater when he was younger, we paired him with a young skater in a unique location to discuss Elinchrom's latest offering, the ELC1000. Discovering our client's true passions brings out a great energy.
Elinchrom's tag line is "We pursue your wildest dreams. We enable you to capture life's greatest moments by creating the world's most portable and durable lighting gear."
The skater, Shea-D later went on to compete in the X-Games, Nitro Circus events etc., and travels the world as a brand ambassador.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Satire
Client: Pointer Awards
We've had two films in the Banff Mountain Film Festival, as well as the international tour. This was our latest entry. One one hand, it is a satire on film festivals, but rather quickly descends into another critique of mountain culture. It may have cut too close to the bone. You may notice we went back to our dangerous friend, Tim, who was a great sport.
All scripting, shooting and editing was done in house
Case Study: Wood's Leadership
Client: Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery
Many brands tie their products or services to the rugged outdoors, but it's a difficult position to own. This is also true of "authenticity" and "leadership." But the founder of Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery walks the walk, so we told his story, and in contrast to the overly-masculine voices that personify other whiskey brands, we leaned on the voice talents of the lovely Miss Casey, an alpine shredder in her own right. For all his accomplishments, PT Wood is too humble to sing his own song, so using a third-party narrator was the right choice. In addition to making short films for the Wood Brothers, we also designed all of their labels, signage and advertising
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Wood's Leadership
Client: Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery
Many brands tie their products or services to the rugged outdoors, but it's a difficult position to own. This is also true of "authenticity" and "leadership." But the founder of Wood Brothers High Mountain Distillery walks the walk, so we told his story, and in contrast to the overly-masculine voices that personify other whiskey brands, we leaned on the voice talents of the lovely Miss Casey, an alpine shredder in her own right. For all his accomplishments, PT Wood is too humble to sing his own song, so using a third-party narrator was the right choice. In addition to making short films for the Wood Brothers, we also designed all of their labels, signage and advertising
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Cat Skiing Orientation
Client: Monarch Mountain Owner's Group
In contrast to the wide net we cast in the terrain park film below, Monarch hired us to create a best-in-class orientation video for their cat skiing operation. Monarch Cat Skiing accesses some of the highest cat skiing terrain in the world, and only advanced/expert skiers and riders are allowed. Each participant must watch this film at the start of the day.
The challenge was to create a film that encouraged a sense of confidence in the professionalism of the operation while also getting people to pay attention to the details, because their lives literally depend on the information in the video. The script, voice talent and music targets people who are inherently risk-averse, excited, invariably on caffeine or often stoned. They've likely just driven some distance and are now at 11,000ft. See film below.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Cat Skiing Orientation
Client: Monarch Mountain Owner's Group
In contrast to the wide net we cast in the terrain park film below, Monarch hired us to create a best-in-class orientation video for their cat skiing operation. Monarch Cat Skiing accesses some of the highest cat skiing terrain in the world, and only advanced/expert skiers and riders are allowed. Each participant must watch this film at the start of the day.
The challenge was to create a film that encouraged a sense of confidence in the professionalism of the operation while also getting people to pay attention to the details, because their lives literally depend on the information in the video. The script, voice talent and music targets people who are inherently risk-averse, excited, invariably on caffeine or often stoned. They've likely just driven some distance and are now at 11,000ft. See film below.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: The Art of Terrain
Client: Monarch Mountain Owner's Group
We were hired to help coach the resort's marketing department about how to create assets that communicate amenities while simultaneously delivering on the latent desires of their "anti-large resort" target demographic.
By letting the viewer into the process of building a beginner terrain park, we got first-hand insight into the values of the people behind the scenes. Throughout this 4-minute film we see clips of people smiling and working together; A cat driver, a ski patroller and office staff demonstrate competency to offset any hint of being a second-rate Colorado ski area, helping to mitigate a brand liability. Monarch needed to look like Vail, but walk like the "hometown mountain" it is. Carving out this position without appearing podunk is an ongoing challenge for Monarch. Our goal was to show that Monarch knows exactly who it is, and who they serve.
Because Monarch targets families, the music and general tonality had to reach rebellious 15 year-old boys, as well as their Mom's, so we focused on friendly, accessible employees with rural backgrounds who were clear and concise about who they were and what Monarch represents to them—But who also rip in the park.
See film below.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: The Art of Terrain
Client: Monarch Mountain Owner's Group
We were hired to help coach the resort's marketing department about how to create assets that communicate amenities while simultaneously delivering on the latent desires of their "anti-large resort" target demographic.
By letting the viewer into the process of building a beginner terrain park, we got first-hand insight into the values of the people behind the scenes. Throughout this 4-minute film we see clips of people smiling and working together; A cat driver, a ski patroller and office staff demonstrate competency to offset any hint of being a second-rate Colorado ski area, helping to mitigate a brand liability. Monarch needed to look like Vail, but walk like the "hometown mountain" it is. Carving out this position without appearing podunk is an ongoing challenge for Monarch. Our goal was to show that Monarch knows exactly who it is, and who they serve.
Because Monarch targets families, the music and general tonality had to reach rebellious 15 year-old boys, as well as their Mom's, so we focused on friendly, accessible employees with rural backgrounds who were clear and concise about who they were and what Monarch represents to them—But who also rip in the park.
See film below.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Introduction to Infant Development Tool
Client: Yoee Baby
As a design-thinking exercise, we interviewed Pediatric Neuroscientists, educators, caregivers and parents to develop the first toy designed for playing with a baby in the earliest days and weeks. This is a period when the most neural connections are being made, and a vital time for caregiver interaction. We ended up creating a global supply chain and distributing the product across three continents in numerous countries. We won several early childhood, toy and autism awards.
The challenge was to create a tool disguised as a toy, then communicate the value of the product to people who are generally unaware they can play so quickly in a child's life. We created a secondary production company that made films only to service the product. We ended up making hundreds of films for online social and digital advertising.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Introduction to Infant Development Tool
Client: Yoee Baby
As a design-thinking exercise, we interviewed Pediatric Neuroscientists, educators, caregivers and parents to develop the first toy designed for playing with a baby in the earliest days and weeks. This is a period when the most neural connections are being made, and a vital time for caregiver interaction. We ended up creating a global supply chain and distributing the product across three continents in numerous countries. We won several early childhood, toy and autism awards.
The challenge was to create a tool disguised as a toy, then communicate the value of the product to people who are generally unaware they can play so quickly in a child's life. We created a secondary production company that made films only to service the product. We ended up making hundreds of films for online social and digital advertising.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Social-Emotional Learning
Client: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Hope Street Foundation
Our team was hired to interview national thought leaders in the early childhood space to summarize the importance of social-emotional learning. The challenge with this film was the time frame. It was a fast-turn project in another state, and the opportunity to interview the people in the film necessitated that we pull them out of a conference for just a few minutes, get them miced, focused and relaxed. Then, get appropriate stock signed off, and turn a rough cut for national and international distribution. The content had to meet muster of the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics (who was onsite), and the Center on Media and Child Health/Harvard Medical School. So, the questions had to be spot on nail a 2:40 film. It was used by organizations across the country to communicate the importance of SEL, and adopted by the state of SC as an official summary of SEL for public school educators.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Social-Emotional Learning
Client: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Hope Street Foundation
Our team was hired to interview national thought leaders in the early childhood space to summarize the importance of social-emotional learning. The challenge with this film was the time frame. It was a fast-turn project in another state, and the opportunity to interview the people in the film necessitated that we pull them out of a conference for just a few minutes, get them miced, focused and relaxed. Then, get appropriate stock signed off, and turn a rough cut for national and international distribution. The content had to meet muster of the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics (who was onsite), and the Center on Media and Child Health/Harvard Medical School. So, the questions had to be spot on nail a 2:40 film. It was used by organizations across the country to communicate the importance of SEL, and adopted by the state of SC as an official summary of SEL for public school educators.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Legends
Client: Tom Bol / Elinchrom
Tom Bol is a Nikon Ambassador and one of the top adventure photographers in the world. When we learned that he'd also been a world-class vert skater, we paired him with a young skater in alpine location to discuss Elinchrom's ELC1000. Elinchrom's tag line is "We pursue your wildest dreams. We enable you to capture life's greatest moments by creating the world's most portable and durable lighting gear." The skater, Shea-D later went on to compete in the X-Games, Nitro Circus events etc., and travels the world as a brand ambassador.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Legends
Client: Tom Bol / Elinchrom
Tom Bol is a Nikon Ambassador and one of the top adventure photographers in the world. When we learned that he'd also been a world-class vert skater, we paired him with a young skater in alpine location to discuss Elinchrom's ELC1000. Elinchrom's tag line is "We pursue your wildest dreams. We enable you to capture life's greatest moments by creating the world's most portable and durable lighting gear." The skater, Shea-D later went on to compete in the X-Games, Nitro Circus events etc., and travels the world as a brand ambassador.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Tim Brown
Client: Tim Brown
Tim Brown is one of the top tin-type portrait photographers in the world. Once, a top action photographer with countless magazine covers and spread doc images to his credit, he re-designed his life, and built a large studio on the side of a mountain at almost 8000'. The studio replicates some of the greatest tin type studios of the 20th century. This film captures the laborious and magical process of this 19th-century art form. The film is slow by design, and shows Tim in his studio.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Tim Brown
Client: Tim Brown
Tim Brown is one of the top tin-type portrait photographers in the world. Once, a top action photographer with countless magazine covers and spread doc images to his credit, he re-designed his life, and built a large studio on the side of a mountain at almost 8000'. The studio replicates some of the greatest tin type studios of the 20th century. This film captures the laborious and magical process of this 19th-century art form. The film is slow by design, and shows Tim in his studio.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Satire
Client: Pointy Awards
We've had two films in the Banff Mountain Film Festival, as well as the international tour. We're basically draped in laurel here in Colorado. This was our latest entry. One one hand, it is a satire on film festivals, but rather quickly descends into another critique of mountain culture. It may have cut too close to the bone. You may notice we went back to our dangerous friend, Tim, who was a great sport.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
Case Study: Satire
Client: Pointy Awards
We've had two films in the Banff Mountain Film Festival, as well as the international tour. We're basically draped in laurel here in Colorado. This was our latest entry. One one hand, it is a satire on film festivals, but rather quickly descends into another critique of mountain culture. It may have cut too close to the bone. You may notice we went back to our dangerous friend, Tim, who was a great sport.
Dangerous Collective: Scripting, concepting, shooting and editing
All Rights Reserved | Dog Sonic Design, LLC All images ©DangerousCircus / ©DangerousDonavan / ©DangerousCollective